
Couples Therapy

How Can Couples Therapy Help You?

How Can Couples Therapy Help You?

Therapy for couples is something that can benefit any relationship. Relationships between couples can be stressful, difficult, and a lot of work. Having in place methods and tools to better communicate as well as effectively work out problems can help relationships to succeed in the face of adversity. At NV Behavioral Health Services, we work with couples to make sure both parties are listened to, and their needs met. We see the dynamics of relationships change, as well as factors causing relationship changes, such as infidelity or divorce. We want to work with couples to make sure they are getting effective treatment in their relationship.

There can be a lot of pressure for romantic relationships to succeed, which is why couples therapy is helpful for letting off some of that pressure. Couples feel comfortable in our confidential, no-judgment, safe environment to discuss their problems and find effective solutions. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of couples therapy, or want to schedule an appointment, contact our specialists today.

Fertility Issues

Many couples struggle with fertility issues, especially after trying many methods to conceive. This can add pressure and stress to the relationship. We offer couples therapy targeted toward mitigating these fertility issues, and how to navigate the rough waters. Our therapists will give you effective ways to communicate your frustration and stress, as well as ways to deal with stressful situations.

Separation or Divorce

Separation or divorce are common with many romantic couples. This period can be difficult for couples, as one party may not want to let the other go. Using our therapy, you will learn better communication skills and relationship skills to work on the frustration or stress you may be feeling in regard to the separation or divorce. Our therapists can also work on the root issues of the separation or divorce, so you better understand where your partner is coming from.

Issues with Infidelity

Infidelity is quite common within relationships and can ruin most of them. Infidelity causes trust issues between the two partners, and can create stress and tension within the relationship. Using a therapist to discuss the causes of infidelity as well as ways to work through it can help decrease much of that stress, and lead to effective solutions for the relationship.

Custody of Children

Determining who gets custody of the children is a battle that many couples fight brutally. It can be a stressful time for both partners and their children. Many of the issues raised within a battle for child custody can be solved and discussed in a secure, confidential environment, like therapy. Our therapists will work with you to find productive methods for dealing with the stress of child custody cases.


Online versus Traditional

Receiving therapy online may not feel the same as traditional therapy, but it can be just as effective. Couples who seek therapy, no matter the means, tend to have more productive and happier relationships. In this day, online therapy has become more popular, and offers more options for those looking for affordable treatment. At NV Behavioral Health Services, we use online therapy as a flexible and affordable option for your busy lifestyle.


Emotionally Focused Therapy

Many couples struggle with having similar levels of emotional communication. Having an emotionally focused therapy can bring couples closer together, as they understand how the other processes and communicates their emotions and feelings. From this, couples can learn how to better communicate and relate to one another, solving many problems and avoiding future stress.

Intimacy Issues

Intimacy is a large part of a healthy relationship. Issues with intimacy can stall or stop a relationship, causing stress. Discussing the root of these issues with a therapist can help both parties to understand where the intimacy issues are and how to work through them. Therapy regarding intimacy can help couples relieve their stress and figure out productive solutions for their future problems.

Communication Issues

Every relationship goes through rough patches, which is why communication is important. If you find you’re having constant communication issues with your partner, it may be time for communication therapy. Our therapists work with both of you to make sure you have tools to better communicate with each other, and better understand each other’s perspective. Improvements in communication can relieve a lot of stress for a romantic relationship, and get rid of many future problems as well.

Couples Sex Therapy

Having libidos line up properly as a couple, or even discussing sexual fantasies or goals, can be difficult. The sexual aspect is important to any romantic relationship, which is why it might be a good idea to get a therapist to discuss your issues. Our therapists can help you work through your sexual issues as a couple, and find ways to release your stress from these issues.

Marital Issues

The bliss of being married can be overshadowed by many issues within the marriage. Talking to a licensed therapist about these issues can help you and your partner relieve your stress as well as better understand ways to make your marriage happier and more productive.

Adjusting to Life After COVID

COVID adds more stress on romantic couples, as you’re both stuck together perhaps more than you’d like, or the opposite. We work with couples who have had a hard time transitioning into this new life post-pandemic, making sure that their needs are being met and that they have methods to deal with new stressors placed on their relationship.